teeny tiny rant
Published on September 23, 2004 By wuxiaomao In Blogging
Ok, I may have the best view just outside my window (zig zag mountains, fishing river right by me and an authentic fishing village next to it with men in long boats and triangular straw hats...) BUT I miss normal life!! I miss bars, noisy cars and ethnic food restaurants. I could go on and on but I already did that before in an earlier article so I'll just get to the point.

Please play with me!!! You are my connection to real life and you are the only people miles around that I can play this game with.

Choose one of the 3 below, post your answer and pick the next 3 for someone else to respond to usually guys pick girls' names and vice versa but y'all do whatever you want.

George Bush Snr, George Bush Jr and Jeb Bush, you have to sleep with one, who will it be?

Comments (Page 2)
2 Pages1 2 
on Sep 26, 2004
non humans is just yucky

am with you there...if you won't play no sweat, i will...

Steve Buscemi hands down...I don't know it must the nerdy thing he has going on.

BRITNEY SPEARS, J-LO, BEYONCE you have to sleep with one!
on Sep 26, 2004
Hey that's not very nice to Mugz PB - putting him with SPM and Marvin

I was just making the game easier Trina..
on Sep 26, 2004
(I've read everything Marian Keyes has published - including her collection of articles and this really weird ghost story)

Me too!! Although I haven't yet read her ghost story as I didn't know she had written one... Have recently read her newest book - The other side of the story, which is excellent as usual!

How about..... Tony Blair, Saddam Hussein, or Osama Bin Laden!
on Sep 26, 2004
Tony Blair

(I don't know who Dan Rtaher and Tom Ridge are so Steve Buscemi by default,

None of the girls - I am one (beyonce seems the least fake though)

I got the other side of the story for my birthday in May - it was so good I think it's my favourite after Watermelon. (I wonder if she'll write a book about Anna and/or Helen since she wrote one about Claire, Rachel and Maggie Walsh)

The ghost story Aria is No Dress Rehersal (open door series)

There's also a really great short story called the seven deadlies on her website Link
on Oct 13, 2004
Micheal Jordan

Michael Jackson

Michael J Fox

You have to sleep with one!!
on Oct 13, 2004
Michael J Fox
on Oct 13, 2004
now you have to choose the next 3!!
2 Pages1 2