Published on October 13, 2004 By wuxiaomao In Blogging
People have pleasant and not so pleasant recollections of places they have been, things they have done that they are proud of some things that they regret. I have food. Food that I have eaten and wish I hadn't , food that brings back fond memories of a time and a place where I enjoyed it and I was happy. Food makes a mark on the milestones of my life.

I remember when I first got drunk, it was the night I downed 2 bottles of Zinfandel (pink) with my best friend in a hotel room. Every time I see that "Z " word on a bottle of wine, everything comes sreaming back at me.

Coffee and pancakes at "Waffle House" remind me of my first boyfriend and the countless nights we spent slouched in a booth scratching coffee hives and talking about philosophy and stuff we had no idea about.

99cent Wendy's burger marks the time when I was in college and poor as dirt. I would go through the drive through, order the burger and wait until the girl had already rung up to order extra bacon, lettuce, tomato and mayonnaise (she was always too lazy or simply forgot to ring up the extra.)

White castles: the biggest mistake of at least one day out of each week. No wonder they call them "sliders." But then again, what can you do at 4am, drunk as a skunk and high as kite flown by a hyperactive monkey?

Kyobashi Tepanyaki (japanese): The most expensive date I was taken to where dinner cost 350 Yuan and drinks added up to 400Yuan on their own. (You really have to not convert here as that kind of money is as good as spending 750 USD.)

In China, 90% of my meals are dining out which means over the past 2 years I have seen a lot of menus, food dishes and waiting staff. While I was eating today, I thought about all the strange stuff I had eaten which led me to a not so original and unashamedly cliched top ten list of the most unusual food I have eaten.

And here it is:

#10 Shark soup

#9 Dog (soup, stew, ribs, name it, I have indulged)

#8 Blood cubes fondue (As in you dip the cubes into a boiling broth until they cook to your satisfaction)

#7 Turtle (Soup and fried)

#6 Frog (fried)

#5 Live shrimp cocktail

#4 Snail goulash

#3 Eel soup

#2 worms

#1 Mcdonald's latest Chinese menu addition: BBQ beef (urrrgh!)

And as an extra, here is something I saw that I chose to veto: deer fetus.

I guess its true what they say, you are what you eat. If I should swear on this, then I hope I stay poor for the rest of my life as I have only eaten the strangest food when I was in the company of the richest people.

What's on your dinner plate?

on Oct 13, 2004
Horse meat, gator nuggets, gator ribs, frog legs, chocolate-covered ants...I'm sure there were others but I can't think of them at the moment!
on Oct 13, 2004
Hamburger. with cashew nuts and seaweed dressing. Gnash them along with the onions and they give a fizzle. Gulp them down with Lite beer and..See, I'm hungry already. (don't forget to brush, though)
on Oct 13, 2004
Hamburger. with cashew nuts and seaweed dressing. Gnash them along with the onions and they give a fizzle. Gulp them down with Lite beer and..See, I'm hungry already. (don't forget to brush, though)

doesn't sound too bad actually!! Will give it a try!

Horse meat, gator nuggets, gator ribs, frog legs, chocolate-covered ants...

you had me at horse meat!!! (Was it 'bout to turn? as in O brother where art thou?)
on Oct 14, 2004
Monkey brains ,they call it ' bravos' coz you eat while the monkey is alive watching chop sticks come and go .

on Oct 14, 2004
yup, I have heard of that...I haven't eaten it though so I didn't post it! Äã³µÂ𣿠Did you eat it£¿
on Oct 15, 2004
Áö±Ý ¸»À» ÀÌÇظ¦ ¸øÇؼ­¿© Äã³µÂð? = È­³µÁö? ok?~~ You can eat anything when drunk .
on Oct 15, 2004
dang zhongwen is not showing right on my computer right now? What did you write? Can you write pinyin?

You can eat anything when drunk .

Don't I know it!! Once I discovered I loved olives over one too many Martinis!!
on Oct 15, 2004
I wrote Äã³µÂð is it the same as È­³µÁö? before that i said i understand a little of this language .

there goes pinyin i know~~~angry = ûý ? the rest of the words which goes with this can't find them on my computer .
on Oct 15, 2004
miraculously I can read it today, the first sentence is correct and is not related to the second. The secret is in the tones. e;g to type "you" first type "ni" in your converter and it will give you many choices then you have to choose the right tone corresponding number, in this case 4, otherwise it doesn't make sense. Have you been to China before?
on Oct 16, 2004
Never been in China but one day might visit .so you can read Korean thing straight up or you change it to that side's ?
on Oct 16, 2004
I don't know how to read Korean, I have never been to Korea but I have eaten Kimchi! I used to live in the North about 2 hours away from North Korea so we ate a lot of Korean BBQ and Kimchi. You should come visit china, it's different to say the least.
on Oct 16, 2004
that dog thingy makes me vomit. just even the sight of a dog meat on chinese food stalls makes me dizzy.
on Oct 16, 2004
I don't blame you, I try not to think about it when I am eating it. The rule of thumb is "boneless please!!"
on Oct 17, 2004
You are one brave girl, wuxiaomao!

I'm a pseudovegetarian, so I don't get too crazy with my food choices . . . I eat salmon nigiri, and roe doesn't bother me . . . that's about as exotic as it gets for me.
on Nov 02, 2004

You are one brave girl, wuxiaomao

true dat.

when i was in tennnessee i hadda opportunity (hahahah if you wanna call it that) to pick up some fresh whitecastle stuff.  twice.  i even ordered inside once.  price has gone up, quality appears to be the same altho i really cant understand how they got into business in the first place.  unless youre really drunk, theyre not a repeat customer item.