here are a few poems I feel confident about...any comments welcome
Published on July 24, 2004 By wuxiaomao In Philosophy
1. Dahlia

Did you ever think of what was to be
When you lay there all bright eyed with anticipation
Did you ever think it would end –the pain
That tore you up and left you scarred, changed
Did you ever think that smile would fade
That came when you burped and swayed with intoxication
Did you think the world would change
When you asked it to
Did you laugh when you cried and thought you’d cheat death into living?

My thoughts haunt me
Deep longings, high dreams
Overewhelming compassion

My mind lurks in
Evil desires, complicated notions
A whirlpool of ghostlike thoughts

My enemy, my friend

I should turn off
My mind, stop the voices
But then, all of me
Will in the drastic process
Become mute.

Soil twins
Blackness bonds me and you
This strange kin-ness to the soil
Our umbilicals though buried separate
Found their way in the darkness of the soil
Bonding, entwining making us kin
It is the soil’s blackness that has made us

The recovery room

Bloody eyes pleading
Anemic hands reaching out
Paper thin bloodless bodies
Pungent smells of life giving spirits
Putrid smells of death defeated spirits
Old blood on sheets, old wounds on him
Tangerine hair, swollen tummies
The illusion of health and food full bellies
Desperate eyes hungry lips thirsty souls
Starving for replenishment
Still clinging to survival, clamoring for salvation
The smell of death I met miles outside
Inside, the look of death I couldn’t abide

How far does one
Have to run
In order to gain
A better look
At themselves
Its reason enough
Just doing something
Because it makes sense

The long walk to freedom
Leads way up on the narrow hard path
Small feet struggling, panting to climb
The huge hard structure of civilization

Sweat and tears and mist
The end all worth while
Even more rewarding
Than for the sweaty bloody hands
Whose efforts witness the wonder
Of long hard work

Little feet shall forever
Hallow and echo the sentiments of ancient bloody
Sweaty hands.

It wasn’t hard for me to leave
It was okay
But its hard for me to stay
But I will
Same faces same voices
Becoming all the more familiar
I must have space
I must breathe
Before I suffocate
And then I can’t take it anymore
So I try

As lilies, they too thrive
In lush fields not slaves to success
But to the land that sustains
The flag that protects and separates
Making them unique as a people
Everyone, it seems gets by
Together as one but also separate
Through intense heat, humidity
In monsoon winds, cold snow
They just get by

On the tracks of the train
The sides of the mountain
Bursting with green lush
Dotted villages busy with life
Air fresh and pleasant
The rain pelting the land with hope
Right here in a ditch on the side
A man lay awkwardly and died
The train moved and the rain stopped

It’s the dance of life
All must move to
Whether here or there
One and all must move

At the end its unclear
What matters
Will it be how when or why?
Its quite possible the only question
Then would be..if?

If it should be, it will be
For if it shouldn’t, then it won’t
But it may, so don’t assume it won’t
If assuming is hazarding all
In the hopes that it will
Then chance is a healthy investment

What ever is is, you are damned if you do
Damned if you don’t
If you do, you can’t get more vulnerable
Than you already are
The dice has already been cast for you
Accept the verdict, for whatever is, is.

He wasn’t a side show in a circus
He was making a living
There by the brown river
Across from the touristic nightmare

He sat in the shade
Drew in smoke from his handmade cigarette
Till one came by for his wares
He would continue to sit
And predict a good day’s work

Pain is pleasure, in reverse
Pleasure will, usually
Preceed pain
Pleasure, taken not (for granted?)compulsory
Desiring pleasure is
Desiring pain

Seeking His will
I am caught in a crazy confusion
Of human passion and divine direction
I need a pointer in the way he needs me to go
I need to be where he needs me to be
Not where my desires bid me

With a heavy soul and a wondering mind
And my mouth to train and praise , honor you
I am not far behind

My soul is my adversary
Haunting and tormenting me day and night
The heaviness derides all my good intentions
Makes me more bitter, sorrowful
My ineffable excuse to just fade ..away
Not to face all this anxiety, anymore.

Sometimes, when its almost dark
Ant the sun, turning red
Drowns into the gray shroud
And I am captured by
The strange beauty of
a thing or a being
And it hurts to not move
Lest I might lose

Sight of this beauty
Its at theses times
When I am embalmed
By wave after wave
Of everyday, unfamiliar smells
I feel the cool warmth of the night

Caressing the sweat on my lips, nose
My eyes , my hands
Eyes on unseen wonders
Then open up and
From deep within I pine
With yearning of what my
Heart wishes to tell the world.

Beneath the sunless haze
A moonless night, heavy
With hot undulating heat
Equipped with unusual everyday smells
My senses, numbed
I sweat
Easily like blood pumping away for a major artery
I breathe
Quick, unsatisfying heavy reluctant breathing
The heat
Pungency of unfamiliar smells
Becomes so unbearable, I stop noticing

on Jul 24, 2004

I can't do justice to all this imagery in detail, but suffice to say, they are sensitive and powerful, suchas:

I should turn off
My mind, stop the voices
But then, all of me
Will in the drastic process
Become mute.


on Jul 26, 2004
Beautiful poetry! Welcome to JoeUser.
on Jul 27, 2004
Thank you very much both of you!! That's really encouraging!
on Jul 27, 2004
Your poetry is very vivid. I'm curious, how do you approach poetry? The blank page? I guess I"m asking, what are your steps and how do you make your decisions regarding the verse? "
on Jul 27, 2004
I use whats around me! Living in China, I am surrounded by amazing imagery that's alien to me and I always try hard to visualise it in words "how can I describe it to someone who will never be here, how can i make them be here with me?" type of thing. "the recovery room" I wrote after visiting a hospital in Mozambique...possibly the worst in world! And "he wasn't a side show" I wrote about a guy I met in Thailand, a nonchalant vendor, if you can imagine one.
Poetry is actually the most difficult kind of writing for me, It takes me months to become comfortable with what I have written, thats why this is the first time I have ever publisized my work. As for style, I studied poetry in school and am a big fan of the classics, so I mimic them a little, e;g use of couplets and such but most times its free writing.
on Jul 28, 2004
Very interesting. I've been to one of those hospitals! The one I went to was in Central America... you'd be better off not going to the hosptial, you know?

The thing I didn't expect about such a poetically inspiring force such as the CA rain forest was the amount of litter all round. I was amazed at the trash... more prepared for deforestation than for litter.

more later...