This just in!!
Published on September 29, 2004 By wuxiaomao In Blogging
Bush reverses gay marriage position
WASHINGTON, DC—In a surprising move designed to capture the gay vote, President Bush has changed his position on gay marriage.

“I think gays & lesbians should marry…each other. That’s right. I'm saying that gay men should marry lesbians,” said Bush during his regular radio speech. “It would look much more like a traditional Bible-based marriage, and allow gays and lesbians to legally marry a person who is also homosexual.”

Many conservatives and supporters of the President have praised the move, but some gay activists are critical of the Bush citing that his new position is designed to further confuse gay voters.

on Sep 29, 2004

You need a link to this story in order to give it credibility. Otherwise, it is perceived as either humor (from the left) or Bush bashing (from the right). Thanks!
on Sep 29, 2004

You need a link to this story in order to give it credibility. Otherwise, it is perceived as either humor (from the left) or Bush bashing (from the right). Thanks!

How's this?
on Sep 29, 2004

Thanks! Well that makes it official. W is gay and proud! Woohoo! (BTW: Didn't know that site. So, the link was nice.)
on Oct 16, 2004

I thought it was funny!
on Nov 05, 2004
Bush is too based on the bible what happened to a diverse nation!??
on Nov 09, 2004
seriously we should have a president of no particular relion, but exepting of everyone and their beliefs. The majority of this world is not christian and its not fair for those who suffer for it.